High Potential Programme

Supporting organisations in designing and facilitating revolutionary high potential programmes

Increasingly, organisations are realising the benefits of running high potential (Hi-Po) programmes that objectively identify and provide support for their ‘rising-stars’ and equip them with clear and concise development plans.

Today, the stakes are even higher with Hi-Po programmes becoming ever more competitive.

Over the years, we have supported multiple organisations across various industry sectors in the design and facilitation of revolutionary high potential programmes. We leverage upon decades of research, by our partners and from our decades of experience in Africa, to provide our clients with world class Hi-Po programme solutions.

How can we support you?

  • Measurably and scientifically identify future leaders (high potential talent)
  • Tap into world class learning solutions to keep your high potentials engaged
  • Provide a transformation experience that drives cross-functional integration
  • Engage senior leaders in the organisation to support the high potential candidates in the development journey
  • Monitor and evaluate behavioural change of the talent on the programme
Find out more about our end-to-end high potential programme